Business missions for Slovak exporters

Organization of events in Russia to the order of the Slovak Government

Business missions for Slovak exporters

Organization of events in Russia to the order of the Slovak Government


SARIO is the Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency, a governmental organization founded by the Ministry of Economics of Slovakia with a purpose to attract more investments to the country and develop the export potential of Slovakia.


10 companies from Slovakia visit Russia in the course of the business mission to get acquainted with the Russian market and find business contacts. It is necessary to select relevant Russian partners with a view to long-term interaction and development of foreign trade relations.

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Пресс-релиз Московского Экспортного Центра

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The Mongerine team conducted a comprehensive marketing campaign that included:

  • Detailed study of products and determining of the demand coming from Slovak companies;
  • Making a list from 250 Russian companies-potential partners with basic information about them;
  • Distribution of information materials;
  • Telemarketing with an access to a decision-making person and reaching agreements on a visit to the business mission.


The business mission was visited by more than 70 participants including business representatives (18 companies from Moscow and 31 companies from other regions of Russia). At least 5 Russian partners were found for every Slovak participant. Participants of the event could present their businesses and discuss acute problems of cooperation between Russia and Slovakia under B2B-forum, to conduct individual negotiations, most of them resulted in establishment of promising business contacts.

Co-organizer of the forum from the side of the Russian Federation was the Moscow Export Center.

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